22 August 2008

SWAT Team? Who will pay?

Latest news is that Government is considering creating a "US-style SWAT team to tackle violent crime". Well, that might work. But how will Government pay for it, seeing how they are unwilling to reach an agreement in contract talks with the existing police force, which is woefully under-resourced?


Anonymous said...

A: Us, the taxpayers... and if we can't handle it ourselves, we'll just go more into more debt. Duh!

Douglas S. J. De Couto said...

Well, of course we will pay in the end. But so far the Government has been unwilling to give the Police a pay rise; they currently make less than Customs Officers and Firefighters.

Anonymous said...

I was being facetious, buddy. I understand the situation. What we need is a company like Black Hawk to get things under control. The cops around here are too involved with crime themselves to care enough to do something about it and the foriegner cops aren't even cops. Instead they're 'cops in training.'

Anonymous said...

We already have the ERT which is equal to the SWAT in every sense. We have had an ERT (or SWAT or whatever you want to call it) for a long time, and we have already been paying for it. This is something that was apparently not shared with the Police.